Iron Chick.... IC or The R which ever it is you choose to say at the end of the day it all means the same. It's me, it's who I am and yes it's How I Roll! For me, and please note that I say for "me" because this is in fact a blog post about ME. I am in NO way cutting down anyone for their training style :) People ask me all the time..."Do you do a ton of cardio?" Do you do a lot of plyo?" Ummmm let me see, for those that know me my moto is I only run when chased and plyos??? I'd pee my pants jumping around like a cricket. So what do I do exactly... I lift and I mean it and this is how I roll in the gym..... let me introduce you to the peeps I so affectionately call "The Crew" (the women on the treadmill not part of the crew)

To the left we have my boy Matt aka The Lifesaver, next we have Nick aka Big Country, making his appearance on the leg press my one and only Big E aka Uppercase and standing over him (yelling) the one the only Ivan The Stud. I of course am taking the picture. This right here is what makes me happy, it is what I live for, breathe for and yes even lose sleep for. I lift hard, I life heavy and I leave it all in the gym. When I have nothing left to give I push harder. I am a bottom row DB girl and I love it. I have blisters on my hands and sweat on my shirt. I don't come to talk I come to work. I am motivated by them... how much they lift and their dedication in doing it. I am after all very competitive and If they are doing it fuck if I'm going to let a guy show me up!! (this is of course within reason) That is how I push myself to be better than I thought I could be. Because if you ask yourself "who am I?" If the answer isn't "Im a champion" you're doing it all wrong regardless of your training style...