So to know me, to really know me you need a little back ground on me. When I wake up I know that on that day and everyday after for the rest of my life I will have to take meds. For those that don't know...three years ago while standing in my bathroom looking at myself in the mirror I realized a rather large lump which later would be diagnosed as Hurthle Cell Carcinoma. This was the beginning of my journey to my 2nd and 3rd place win at the 2011 Contra Costa. I am by no means telling you this to feel sorry for me, I am telling you this to shed some light on my attitude and drive. Also because of the attitude and drive I saw on the Mr. O stage last night. For starters, Branch Warren in the audience talking about being back in the gym after just one week following re attachment surgery of his quad... he said and I quote "I have to get back up on that stage". Then to see Frank McGrath.... the scare down his chest says it all. There are no words for that one and Jay with an injured bicep.....all three still focused and driven toward a goal. But those guys aren't really who this post is about..... while yes I am inspired by them this next person inspires me even more and is someone I feel deserves a shout out because of all of her hard work and dedication toward her goal. She is someone I am proud to call a friend and is a cancer surviver.... Kerry Keen Monaghan this post is for you girl!

Your spirit and drive is refreshing. Keep doing your thing because you were meant to do great things. This post is also for everyone that thinks it cant be done.... I am, she is and they are doing it every day! Your circumstances don't hold you back. So be EXTREME like Kerry, Be Built like Me, and be dedicated to be the best you can be!!!!!
Thank you sooo much Rebecca for this amazing tribute to both of us! I am speechless beyond words, you my friend are a true gift from God, that has come into my life and brought courage, strength, drive, happiness, love and true friendship! When I feel I can't go another round in the gym I can hear you saying yes you can now move it, push forward!! I am so thankful to have you in my life and in my heart, you are MY TRUE INSPIRATION, my wind beneath my wings, my laughter in my smile, my friend I love you!