Sunday, November 27, 2011

Why is it so sad??? Holiday post #1

Tis the season! The season to over indulge in just about every thing. Food, drinks more food and for some lots more drinks. Party after party after family get together. Oh the joys! Right? Now don't get me wrong this Iron Chick has Irish coursing through her blood so for those that know me, well lets just say you know me! However, for those that don't their first reaction is "oh it must suck for you during the holidays".  Really?? Why??  Why does my life have to suck because I choose not to overly stuff my face with everything under the sun or for visual purposes EVERYTHING ON THE TABLE? One report I read said that during Thanksgiving meal alone Americans consumed some 6,000 calories! That is just in ONE meal! What is it about the holidays that throws portion size out the window and turns us into gluttons? Goals can be kept and met during the holidays. You can have a good time! Here are a few tips to get you started off right for December.

1. Get at least a 30 min workout in.
~If you can't get to the gym you can walk or even use things around your house to get a creative workout in
2. Don't skip meals
~ Stay consistent, eat breakfast and don't go more than 3.5 hours before you eat again
3. And drink lots of water throughout the day!

More holiday tips and workout will come in the month of December to help keep you active and healthy this holiday season!


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